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Historically black colleges

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Historical Black colleges



Four year
Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University, AL http://www.aamu.edu  
Alabama State University, AL, http://www.alasu.edu/index.aspx
Albany State University, GA, http://www.potentialrealized.org/
Alcorn State University, MS, http://www.alcorn.edu/ 
Arkansas Baptist College, AR, http://www.arkansasbaptist.edu 
Barber-Scotia College, NC, http://www.b-sc.edu/ 
Benedict College, SC, http://www.benedict.edu/ 
Bennett College, NC, http://www.bennett.edu/ 
Bethune-Cookman College, FL,  
Bluefield State College, WV, http://www.bluefieldstate.edu/
Bowie State University, MD, http://www.bowiestate.edu/ 
Central State University, OH, http://www.centralstate.edu/index.php 
Cheyney University of Pennsylvania, PA, http://www.cheyney.edu/ 
Claflin University, SC, http://www.claflin.edu/ 
Clark Atlanta University, GA, http://www.cau.edu/ 
Concordia College, AL, http://www.concordiaselma.edu/ 
Coppin State College, MD, http://www.coppin.edu/ 
Delaware State University, DE, http://www.desu.edu/ 
Dillard University, LA, http://www.dillard.edu/ 
Edward Waters College, FL, http://www.ewc.edu/ 
Elizabeth City State University, NC, http://www.ecsu.edu 
Fort Valley State University, GA , http://www.ag.fvsu.edu/
Grambling State University, LA, http://www.gram.edu/ 
Hampton University, VA, http://www.hamptonu.edu/
Harris Stowe State College, MO, http://www.hssu.edu/
Howard University, DC, http://www.howard.edu/ 
Huston-Tillotson College, TX , http://www.htu.edu/
Jarvis Christian College, TX, http://www.jarvis.edu/ 
Johnson C. Smith University, NC, http://www.jcsu.edu/ 
Lane College, TN , http://www.lanecollege.edu/
Langston University, OK, http://www.lunet.edu/ 
Lincoln University, PA, http://www.lincoln.edu/
Lincoln University, MO, http://www.lincolnu.edu/pages/1.asp
Livingstone College, NC, http://www.livingstone.edu/ 
Miles College, AL, http://www.miles.edu/ 
Mississippi Valley State University, MS, http://www.mvsu.edu/index.php 
Morehouse College, GA, http://www.morehouse.edu/ 
Morgan State University, MD, http://www.morgan.edu/ 
Morris Brown College, GA, http://www.morrisbrown.edu/ 
Morris College, SC, http://www.morris.edu/ 
Norfolk State University, VA, http://www.nsu.edu/ 
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, NC, http://www.ncat.edu/ 
North Carolina Central University, NC, http://www.nccu.edu/ 
Oakwood College, AL, http://www.oakwood.edu 
Paine College, GA, http://www.paine.edu/ 
Paul Quinn College, TX, http://www.pqc.edu/ 
Philander Smith College, AR, http://www.philander.edu/ 
Prairie View A&M University, TX, http://www.pvamu.edu/pages/1.asp 
Rust College, MS, http://www.rustcollege.edu/ 
St. Augustine's College, NC, http://www.st-aug.edu/ 
Savannah State University, GA , http://www.savannahstate.edu/
Selma University, AL, http://www.selmauniversity.org/ 
Shaw University, NC, http://www.shawuniversity.edu/ 
South Carolina State University, SC, http://www.scsu.edu/ 
Southern University New Orleans, LA, http://www.suno.edu/ 
Southern University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, LA , http://web.subr.edu/
Spelman College, GA, http://www.spelman.edu/ 
Stillman College, AL, http://www.stillman.edu/ 
Talladega College, AL, http://www.talladega.edu/ 
Tennessee State University, TN, http://www.tnstate.edu/ 
Texas College, TX, http://www.texascollegeonline.net/default.asp 
Texas Southern University, TX, http://www.tsu.edu/pages/1.asp 
Tuskegee University, AL, http://www.tuskegee.edu/ 
University of Arkansas Pine Bluff, AR, http://www.uapb.edu/
University of the District of Columbia, DC, http://www.udc.edu/ 
University of the Virgin Islands, VI, http://www.uvi.edu/sites/uvi/Pages/Home.aspx
Virginia State University, VA , http://www.vsu.edu/pages/1.asp
Voorhees College, SC, http://www.voorhees.edu/ 
West Virginia State College, WV, http://www.wvstateu.edu/ 
Wiley College, TX , http://www.wileyc.edu/
Winston-Salem State University, NC, http://www.wssu.edu/wssu 
Xavier University of Louisiana, LA, http://www.xula.edu/

Bishop State Community College, AL, http://www.bscc.cc.al.us/
Coahoma Community College, MS, http://www.ccc.cc.ms.us/
Denmark Technical College, SC,  http://www.denmarktech.edu/
J. F. Drake State Technical College, AL, http://www.dstc.cc.al.us/ 
Lawson State Community College, AL, http://www.ls.cc.al.us/
Mary Holmes College, MS, http://mhcalumni.ning.com/
St. Philip's College, TX, http://www.accd.edu/spc/ 
Southern University Shreveport, LA, http://web.susla.edu/Pages/SUSLAhome.aspx





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