Oles Honchar
Kherson regional
universal scientific library
MO-TH: 9:00-18:00
SA-SU: 9:00-18:00

Catalogues and card files

Library Catalogue and Cardfile Systems

The catalogue and cardfile system, which is the original guidebook to the repository, can help the reader become oriented to the library collections.

The catalogues and cardfile systems of the Oles Honchar Kherson Regional Universal Scientific Library are components of its bibliographic research operation.  Each catalogue has its own specific function, which allows for conducting a search for publications related to the reader's inquiries.  The library catalogues are correlated amongst themselves, complementing each other and open components and indices of the library collections in various aspects.

The catalogues and cardfiles contain catalogue cards on which, in accordance to existing rules of bibliographic specifications, the main information about each existing library document is given.

The catalogues and cardfiles of the library differ in appearance by representation of the documents, functions, summarization of collections, methods of grouping and presention style of information.

The library's catalogues and cardfiles include:

1.  Electronic catalogue

The electronic catalogue contains bibliographic records for all sorts of documents, including periodical publications and articles, printed in Russian, Ukrainian and other languages, on various information media and spanning different chronological periods.

There is also a part of the library collection, the information on which has not been transferred into the electronic catalogue.  To search for those items, one can use the cardfile catalogue.

2. Cardfile Catalogues

The alphabetical and systematic cardfile catalogue represents the library collections as a whole, as well as separate collections, under the care of a department, sorted by subject and type.

Depending on the method of grouping the pertinent material, the library catalogues are divided into two types:  alaphabetical and systematic.

In the alphabetical catalogue, the cards are sorted alphabetically by author's last name or book title, regardless of their content.  With the help of the alphabetical catalogues, you can determine: whether or not that or another document is located in the library and how many copies of the volume are kept in the library.

In the systematic catalogue, the cards are grouped under branches of learning.  Each group is segmented into certain logical sections.  In using the systematic catalogue, one can select literature from one or another branch of learning, with varying issues and subjects.  To quickly find the required section in the systematic catalogue, we advise using the alpha-subject indicator (ASI), which is the original "key" to the systematic catalogues and cardfiles.

Readers' Alphabetical Catalogue

This catalogue reflects that part of the library collection which includes books, brochures, ongoing publications, pictorial publications, normative technical publications, cartography publications, documents on the latest electronic media (including micrographic, optical, electronic) in Ukrainian, Russian, and Crimean Tatar languages.  The catalogue represents a chronological scope of documents dating from 1925.

Alphabetical catalogue of new arrivals

This catalogue reflects information about documents [books, brochures, continuing publications, pictorial publications, normative technical publications,  cartography publications, documents on the latest electronic media (including micrographic, optical, electronic) in Ukrainian, Russian, and Crimean Tatar languages] which were entered into the library collection over the past three months.

Alphabetical catalogue of pre-revolutionary publications

This catalogue represents information about documents (books, continuing publications) in Russian and Ukrainian languages, published from 1738 to 1924.

Alphabetical catalogue of electronic resources

Catalogue which contains information about repository documents on electronic media (Ukrainian and Russian languages), published in the period from 1993.

Alphabetical catalogue of literary works by title

Catalogue includes bibliographic records of literary works by title (romances and narratives), published in books and collections.

Reader's systematic catalogue

The catalogue reflects that part of the library collection [books, brochures, ongoing publications, pictorial publications, normative technical publications, cartography publications, documents on the latest electronic media (including micrographic, optical, electronic)] in Ukrainian, Russian, and Crimean Tatar languages. Publications in this catalogue are dated from 1925.  The cardfiles in the catalogue are grouped according to the table of library-bibliographic classification (BBK) for documents published from 1987 and according to the table of bibliographic classification (TBK) for documents published from 1986.  The cardfiles are categorized in reverse chronology (cards for new publications are placed at the front).

Systematic catalogue of new arrivals

The catalogue contains cards on publications [books, brochures, continuing publications, pictorial publications, normative technical publications,  cartography publications, documents on the latest electronic media (including micrographic, optical, electronic) in Ukrainian, Russian, and Crimean Tatar languages] which arrived at the library collection over the past three months.

Systematic catalogue of pre-revolutionary publications

The catalogue represents the collection of documents (books, continuing publications) published in Russian and Ukrainian languages, in the period from 1738 to 1924.

Systematic catalogue of electronic resources

The catalogue accommodates information about documents on electronic media (Ukrainian and Russian languages), published in the period from 1993.

Alphabetical-subject indicator

Inclusive in the systematic catalogue is the alphabetical-subject indicator.  The alphabetical-subject indicator is an alphabetical listing of concepts (visual rubric) and subjects which accompanies the classification indices (BBK, TBK) as a pointer, under which the literature is gathered into certain subjects in the systematic catalogue.

It facilitates document searches in the systematic catalogues and card files since next to the name of the concept (subject) is the required classification index, which represents the branch of knowledge related to the inquiry which interests the reader; it shows the thematic relationship of contiguous branches as well.

All of the aforementioned catalogues are found in the catalogue hall, which is located on the third floor of the library.  The staff bibliographer can always be found at the catalogues to provide assistance, as needed, to readers seeking the necessary answers to their questions.

(Responsibility for organization and supervision of the catalogues is carried by department of cataloguing.  Superintendent of the department:  Kapeluh, Irina Oleksiivna, telephone: +38 0552 26-16-85). 

Specialized department catalogues:

Alphabetical catalogue of the Department of City Subscriptions

The catalogue includes cardfiles on documents which are kept in the department collection [books, brochures, continuing publications, pictorial publications, normative technical publications, cartography publications, documents on the latest electronic media (including micrographic, optical, electronic)] published in the period from 1950.

The catalogue is located in the Department of City Subscriptions.

(Responsibility for the organization, supervision and consultations for catalogue use is carried by the Department of City Subscriptions. Department Superintendent:  Bogdanova, Sophia Yakivna, telephone no. +38 0552 26-63-97).

Alphabetical catalogue of documents in foreign languages

The catalogue includes bibliographic records of the department collection: books, brochures, continuing publications, pictorial publications, cartography publications, cinema-photo-recorded documents and documents on the latest electronic media (including optical, electronic).

The catalogue reflects documents in the following languages:  English, German, French, Polish, Italian, Spanish, Hungarian, Greek, Bulgarian, Viet Namese, Korean, Portuguese, Romanian, Tatar, Turkish, Swedish, and Japanese.  The catalogue cardfiles are grouped by language and within the confines of each language - alphabetically.

Systematic catalogue of documents in foreign languages

Bibliographic records of the department collection are located in this catalogue: books, brochures, continuing publications, pictorial publications, cartography publications, cinema-photo-recorded documents and documents on the latest electronic media (including optical, electronic).The catalogue reflects documents in the following languages:  English, German, French, Polish, Italian, Spanish, Hungarian, Greek, Bulgarian, Viet Namese, Korean, Portuguese, Romanian, Tatar, Turkish, Swedish, and Japanese.  The catalogue cardfiles are grouped by language, within the confines of each language, and according to the tables of library-bibliographic classifications (BBK).

The alphabetical and systematic catalogues of the Department of Foreign Language Documents can be found in the Department of Foreign Language Documents.

(Responsibility for the organization, supervision and consultations for catalogue use is carried by the Department of Foreign Language Documents. Department Superintendent:  Maschenko, Olena Oleksiivna, telephone no. +38 0552 32-18-30).

Alphabetical catalogue of published sheet music

The catalogue reflects the library's collection of published music and also texts of musical works from period editions, collections and continuing publications.  The catalogue contains cardfile records with bibliographic descriptions in Ukrainian, Russian, English and other languages.

The catalogue is linked to an auxilliary research aid (alphebetical cardfiles of song titles), with the assistance of which one can find any song by its title and the sheet music that goes with it.

Systematic catalogue of published sheet music

The catalogue contains information about the library's collection of published music, texts of musical works from period editions, collections and continuing publications.  The catalogue  cardfile records for published sheet music, published from 1961 to 1986 are arranged according to the classification table of music publications (TK music publications), catalogue cardfile records for sheet music publications after 1987 are grouped according to the BBK tables.

A search begins with the classification tables of sheet music publications. Searches for sheet music in the systematic catalogue are facilitated by the alphabetical-subject indicator as next to the name of the concept (subject) is the required classification index, with which one can find the bibliographic description of the sheet music publication and texts of music works in the systematic catalogue, required by the reader.

Alphabetical catalogue of sound recorded documents

Information about the library's audio collection is located in this catalogue:  vinyl recordings, tape recordings, audio cassettes in Ukrainian, Russian, English and other languages.  Cardfiles are grouped alphabetically by title of the work and by family name of the author of the musical work, chronologically.

Linked to this catalogue are cardfiles with song titles from vinyl recordings, tape recordings and audiocassettes.

A search begins with the alphabetical name of the work and family name of the author of the musical work.

Alphabetical catalogue of optical documents (compact discs, DVD-disks, CD-ROM and so on)

The catalogue reflects information about optical documents, which are kept in the Department of Fine Arts.  The bibliographic descriptions of the documents are categorized alphabetically in chronological order.


Alphabetical catalogue of cinema-photo documents

The catalogue contains information about the video cassette collection (Ukrainian, Russian, English and other languages) in the Department of Fine Art Documents.  Cardfiles with bibliographic descriptions of the documents are categorized in alphabetical order, chronologically.

The aforementioned catalogues are located in the Department of Foreign Language Documents.

(Responsibility for the organization, supervision and reader consultations for catalogue use is carried by the Department of Fine Art Documents. Department Superintendent:  Krasnolutska, Tatiana Leonidovna, telephone no. +38 0552 26-16-87).

Alphabetical catalogue of rare, valuable and old print books

The catalogue reflects the collection of the Department of Rare and Valuable Editions and the Department of Document Preservation (format FD):  books, brochures, continuing publications, pictorial publications, cartography publications, documents on the latest information media (including micrographic, optical, electronic).  Chronological encapsulation of the documents, which are represented in the catalogue, is dated from 1720.  Cardfiles in the catalogue are grouped alphabetically, chronologically, and according to Russian-Ukrainian alphabets.  Linked with the catalogue is an auxilliary aid - subject cardfiles.

 Systematic catalogue of rare, valuable and old print books

The catalogue reflects the collections of the Department of Rare and Valuable Editions and the Department of Document Preservation (format FD):  books, brochures, continuing publications, pictorial publications, cartography publications, documents on the latest information media (including micrographic, optical, electronic).  The catalogue contains information about publications which were printed in the period from 1720 in Ukrainian and Russian languages.

Cardfiles with bibliographic descriptions are grouped by branch of knowledge and subject.

(Responsibility for the organization, supervision and reader consultations for catalogue use is carried by the Department of Rare and Valuable Editions. Department Superintendent: Sak, Olga Genadiivna, telephone no. +38 0552 42-42-88).

Systematic catalogue of documents from library and bibliographic sciences

The catalogue reflects books, brochures, continuing publications, newspaper articles, magazines, collections, critiques, unpublished materials from the profiled subjects (library and bibliographic sciences) in Ukrainian and Russian languages from 1979.  Catalogue cardfiles are grouped by branch of knowledge according to systematic order (BBK tables).

Catalogue is located in the Educational-Methodological Department.

(Responsibility for the supervision and organization of the catalogue is the superintendent of  Educational-Methodological Department Svatula, Tatiana Leonidivna, telephone no. +38 0552 26-16-87).

Combined ethnographic catalogue

The catalogue provides information searches about the city, province and region.  It includes cardfiles for books, articles from collections, periodical publications and so forth.

The catalogue reflects the library's collection on ethnography:  books, brochures, continuing publications, pictorial publications, normative technical publications, cartography publications and documents on the latest information media (including micrographic, optical, electronic) and unpublished documents on ethnographic subjects from the end of the XVIII century.  The catalogue also includes analytical bibliographic descriptions of articles from books, newspapers, magazines, collections, continuing publications and critiques.

The catalogue reflects documents in Ukrainian and Russian languages.

Grouping of cards in the catalogue:

The catalogue is located in the reading hall of the Department of Local Ethnographic Documents and Bibliographies

(Responsibility for the organization and supervision of the catalogue is the superintendent of  the Department of  Local Ethnographic Documents and Bibliographies Tokovilo, Oksana Valeriivna  telephone no. +38 0552 42-43-19).

Alphabetical catalogue of urban publications

The information that is aggregated in this catalogue is about urban publications, which are gathered in the library's collections:  books, brochures, continuing publications, pictorial publications, normative technical publications, cartography publications and documents on the latest information media (including micrographic, optical, electronic). The chronological encapsulation of the documents, which are represented in the catalogue, is from 1863.  The catalogue contains information about documents published in Ukrainian and Russian languages.

The cards in the catalogue are arranged in alphabetical order, according to Ukrainian-Russian alphabets, in reverse chronological order.

The catalogue is locaed in the reading hall of the Department of Local Ethnographic Documents and Bibliographies.

(The catalogue can be found in the Department of  Local Ethnographic Documents and Bibliographies.  Responsibility for the organization and supervision of the catalogue is with the departmental superintendent Tokovilo, Oksana Valeriivna  telephone no. +38 0552 42-43-19).

3. Specialized cardfiles in departmental collections

Systematic cardfiles for articles

The systematic cardfiles for articles reflects the contents of magazines, newspapers, and collections published in Ukrainian and Russian languages.  The information presented in it is distinguished by its novelty, actuality and concreteness of thematics.  The cards in the systematic cardfiles for articles are kept up to the point when the articles are actualized and there are questions from patrons pertaining to them.

The integral sections of the cardfiles are the "Critiques" and "Personalities".

The grouping of the materials in the cardfiles is systematic, in reverse chronological order; in the cardfiles "Personalities" - alphabetical.

The cardfiles are linked with the alphabetical-subject indicator.

The systematic cardfiles for articles is located in the catalogue hall.  A staff bibliographer can always be found at the cardfiles, which provides assistance for patrons in their search for necessary information.

(Responsibility for the supervision and organization of the catalogue is with the Informational-Bibliographic Department.  Departmental superintendent: Lanceberg, Olga Vasilivna, telephone . +38 0552 32-18-30).

4. Auxilliary cardfiles

They were created with the intent of increasing the ease of searching for necessary information.

While working with catalogues and cardfiles in the catalogue hall, one ought to turn their attention to the notes for document locations - abbreviations (shortened departmental names)..


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