Oles Honchar
Kherson regional
universal scientific library
MO-TH: 9:00-18:00
SA-SU: 9:00-18:00
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Friends of the Library

Beliy, Dementiy Vasilovich - Master's in Russian Philology, head of the provinicial organization "Voters Committee of Ukraine".

Belich, Ivan Vasilovich - member, artistists' association of Ukraine.

Butuzov, Alexander Glibovich - poet, member National Association of Ukrainian Writers since 2004.
Virlich, August Ernestovich - ethnographer, member of the National Association of Journalist of Ukraine.
Holoborodko, Iyroslav Yurivich - literary expert, doctor of philological science, professor, member of the Academy of Pedagogical and Social Sciences in Kherson.
Hurba, Victor Tihonovich - docent, Kherson State University, honored artists of Ukraine.
Emeliyanov, Mihailo Andriovich - Kherson collector, ethnographer, bibliographer.

Evstafeyeva, Irina Anatoliivna - producer; creative productions union "Dnipro", state provincial television/radio company "Skifiya"; member, National Association of Journalists of Ukraine.

Zahorodnuk, Vasil Stepanovich - poet, candidate - philological sciences, docent - Department of Ukrainian Literary Expertise, Institute of Philology and Journalism, Kherson State University; member National Association of Writers of Ukraine.
Zahorodnuk, Fedir Ivanovich - Kherson portrait painter; member, National Association of Artists of Ukraine and the National Association of Journalists of Ukraine, Honored Artist of Ukraine.

Kichinski, Anatoliy Ivanovich - poet, translator: member, National Association of Writers of Ukraine and the Association of Ukrainian Writers, laureat of T. G. Schevchenko award.

Kisilnikova, Inna Mikolaivna - Concert master.

Kisil, Victor Ivanovich - Instructor, Music school; conductor - orchestra of Ukrainian native  instruments,  Honored Worker of Culture of Ukraine.

Kulik, Valeriy Pavlovich - poent, translator, producer; member of the National Association of Writers of Ukraine and member, National Association of Journalists of Ukraine, producer - state provincial television/radio company "Skifiya"
  Leleko, Natalia Vitalievna - honored artist of Ukraine.
Lehovid, Oleg Mikolaiovich - Director, Department of Natural Science Disciplines, Kherson Agricultural University, deputy - Skladovsk town council.
Marushchak, Anatoliy Petrovich - Kherson poet; member of the National Association of Journalists in Ukraine and the National Association of Cinematographers of Ukraine, honored journalist of Ukraine, director of the of the state provinicial television/radio company "Skifiya".
Oleksiuk, Oleg Vasilovich - poet; member, National Association of Writers of Ukraine, head of the Kherson provincial organization all-Ukrainian fellowship "Beacon" entitled for T.G. Schevchenko.
  Polyevikov, Igor Oleksiyovich - director, city public school No. 3.
Soletskiy, Lubomir Petrovich - artist, provincial philharmonic; laureat of the First All-Ukrainian Competition of Humor.
Chernikov, Volodimir Andriyovich - ethnographer, bibliophile.
  Shirinskiy, Harris Haneevich - national artist of Ukraine, laureat of the M. Glinka vocal competition.
Shcherba, Taisiya Mikolaevna - Kherson poetess, literary critic, publicist, prosaic; member of the National Association of Writers of Ukraine and the National Association of Artists of Ukraine.



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