Oles Honchar
Kherson regional
universal scientific library
MO-TH: 9:00-18:00
SA-SU: 9:00-18:00

Library Area



The library was built as a special architectural project in 1986.  The overall footprint of the library measures 13,600 m2, which is greater than the footprint of the retail-entertainment complex Oskar (Tavriyskiy location) by 600 m2.  The area of the library building allocated for servicing readers - 5,739 m2, which is approximately the size of the product sales area of hypermarket Oskar (6,000 m2). The footprint of the supermarket "Silpo" in Kherson (Ushakova avenu) is one third less (2,000 m2) than the combined area of the library reading halls (6,000 m2).


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