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ІІ. Service regulations
2.6. Library users have the right to:
- use the information about library stock by means of the help search device (except for commercial databases) free of charge;
- get information about resource search free of charge;
- безоплатно отримувати в тимчасове користування документи із фондів бібліотеки, крім документів, придбаних за кошти, одержані від господарської діяльності бібліотеки;
- load documents or their copies from interlibrary loan (IL);
- get information from other libraries by the means of external communication;
- use other services including chargeable;
- take part in the library committee activities.
2.10. In case of lack of required documents a customer can obtain their copies or preorder them from other library or book warehouse through IL, having paid postal and delivery charges.
2.11. Documents, received from IL are available only their usage in the library reading hall. Usage of rare and valuable documents is for loan under special regulations.
2.12. Customers with special needs have advantage based of the Ukrainian law and library regulations.
ІІІ. Customers responsibilities
3.4. Using documents from the library fund a customer has to take care of them; check availability of their contest in front of a library member of staff, in case if there are any problems — report it immediately; a librarian has to make a note about violations and damages. The customer takes all responsibilities for defects that have been revealed on return of a book.
3.6. Loaned documents have to be returned to the library on time. In case of delay a customer will be fined according to the library regulation.
3.7. In case of any damages caused to the library property or its book fund a person will bear the responsibility, according to the legislation of Ukraine.
3.10. Violations of rules and regulations will cause further prevention from usage of any library facilities for certain period of time set by the library.
3.13. Customers are responsible for legal usage of the library database and other objects of intellectual property of the library.
ІV. Library staff rules and regulations
4.1.The library guarantees Ukrainian citizens and citizens of other countries full access to its fund and other sources of information. Restrictions are established only with the purpose of preservation of the rare and valuable fund of the library according to the law.
4.2. Responsibility of the library:
- inform customers about all services that the library provides (chargeable and free o charge);
- provide full access to the information and funds;
- conditions for work, support in documents search;
- take care of service quality;
- establish clubs and associations according to the customers needs and interest;
- control book and documents loans and returns on time;
- book supply and fund variety;
- keep private information about customers and do not use it with other purposes;
- establish a library association;
- report to customers if required.