Oles Honchar
Kherson regional
universal scientific library
MO-TH: 9:00-18:00
SA-SU: 9:00-18:00

Library Resources

Part`s menu

Electronic Catalogue

Description of the Electronic Catalogue:

The electronic catalogue contains information about published editions (books, brochures, continuing publications, albums, schematics, collections of standards) and also documents on electronic media.

To search for information about publications in foreign languages, periodical publications and articles, the recommendion is to work in separate data bases.

To search in the electronic catalogue:

In creating a search, enter into the search line, in capital or small letters the date that corresponds to the selected field. (One can enter only the first letters of a word, but not less than 2 symbols).

In the field "Author, editor, compiler" enter only the last name without separation marks. Names, patronymics, and initials are not entered.

In the field "Name, key words, persons"   you may enter the full name of the document, as well as a portion of the name, and also key words from the name or the text of the document.

For better search results, it is recommended to exclude word endings.

If the system replies to the question with a large number of records, it is recommended to add more detail, using a wider search.

In the wider search, it is possible that a greater number of search fields may be required, and also logical operators "and", "or" inside of the fields, and also between them.

If the question is incorrectly stated, the system may respond with zero results.

Attention! During the process of converting the electronic library catalogue to the IRBIS system, bibliographic records may not correspond to the requirements of the intra-state standard 7.1-2003 "Bibliographic records. Bibliographic descriptions". During the editing of the electronic catalogue, this flaw will be corrected.

Forms of resulting records:

While working in the electronic catalogue, there is the possibility of viewing the information found in a list format, display it as a catalogue card on the screen, and also viewing it as a blank reader request, which can be printed if so desired.

Ordering and receiving documents can only be done in the library.


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789 10 11 1213
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