Oles Honchar
Kherson regional
universal scientific library
MO-TH: 9:00-18:00
SA-SU: 9:00-18:00

                        Virtual Trip to Ukrainian and American National Parks.



           March, 24, 2010 a virtual trip to Ukrainian and American National Parks was presented to the students of Kherson Polytechnical College. The audience was given summarized information about the Parks. Scientific notions and some peculiarities were of special interest to the students.



Welcome to Glencoe Literature


In this lively collection of classic and contemporary literature, you will find much to amuse, surprise, delight, engage, and inform you. A wide variety of selections - including poems, plays, short stories, essays, autobiographies, and even news articles on a broad range of themes - offers you the chance to read about talented authors in all their diversity, as well as to experience and learn about people, places, and ideas that moved them.

   Questions and activities after each selection will help check your understanding of what you've read.  


English Speaking Club, led by Peace Corps volunteer Deborah Garofalo, continues its work.  If you want to improve your English, please come, speak, and discuss. Welcome! 

September, 26, 2010 


Specialists' Day

September 2, 09. twenty four English teachers from the city of Kherson and the region took part at the assembly in WOA. The main issues were:

- Country-specific Studies

- Music is the Mirror of Culture

- WEB 2.0 Technology - is the Real Source to Improve your English 

New CDs and printed materials were demonstrated to the teachers.You can view photos of the activities on our photogallery


New Technologies for English Teachers

The Day of the English Teacher was held September 2, 2008. It took place along with the Regional Institute Postgraduate Education (RIPO) and information-resource Centre “Window on America”. It was done for English teachers of the city of Kherson and the region. Twenty-five individuals took part in this meeting. They came from all parts of Kherson region. The new technology WEB 2.0 – Bookmarking &Tagging was introduced to them. During the event, an e-journal “Dynamic English”, Wikipedia and new methods of teaching literary English were presented. You can see the photos of the event posted in our photogallery. 

Knowledge of Language is the Key to Communication.

14.01.08  Twenty five regional English teachers took part in an assembly that was devoted to various teaching problems. The main topics were: teaching English in secondary and primary schools, new methods and ways of teaching English to different levels and ages, and a presentation of Dynamic English, an online resource with lesson plans and worksheets for English. A photo report of this event is in our photogallery. 

November 15

Rayan Core, the Public Affairs officer from the US Embassy in Ukraine made a presentation at a Talk Club meeting that took place at the centre " Window on America". Regular Talk Club members asked Mr. Rayan various questions of interest. Photos are presented for viewing in our photogallery.   


  5.09.07 A workshop organized as the Day of English Specialists in the Department of Foreign Languages took place.  Twenty-three English teachers participated in the meeting. The workshop consisted of various activities that could be applied during the educational process in primary and secondary schools. 


4th  July- USA Independence Day 

 Take a quiz about  the USA:


Level I  

 Q. The National Anthem of the United States is

A. "Stars and Stripes Forever"

B. "Yankee Doodle Dandy"

C. "The Star-Spangled Banner"*


 Q. "Battle Hymn of the Republic" was written at the time of

A. The Revolutionary War

B. The Civil War*

C. The War of 1812


 Q. "My Country, 'Tis of Thee" was

A. Composed by George M. Cohan

B. Composed by John Philip Sousa

C. Adapted from the British national anthem, "God Save the Queen"*


 Q. How many states are there in the United States?

A. 50*

B. 51

C. 52

 Q. What are the national colors of the United States?

      A. Blue and white

      B. Red and white

      C. Red, white, and blue*


Q. Who was the first president of the United States?

A. Thomas Jefferson

B. Benjamin Franklin

C. George Washington*

 Q. Americans celebrate July 4 as

A. Independence Day*

B. Constitution Day

C. Flag Day

 Q. Americans celebrate July 4 with

A. Parades

B. Fireworks

C. A and B*

 Send  your answers to library@tlc.kherson.ua or info-centre@lib.kherson.ua 


International Conference Managing  American Corners for Successful Partnership, Yalta, June 6-8, 2007.

     55 participants  from Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Belarus and Ukraine took part in the conference.

    Goals: increase awareness and understanding of the role and purpose of American Corners, develop the regional and global community of American Corners staff members




2008-2009 Application for the Fulbright Scholar Program Advanced Research and University Lecturing Awards in the United States.

The additional information :

in Kherson - 8-0552-32 18 30

In Kyiv - 8-044-279 18 50, 8-044-279 23 24, 8-044- 230 20 60

or www.fulbright.org.ua


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