Oles Honchar
Kherson regional
universal scientific library
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Internet Search Sources

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Internet Research Sources


Поисковая система Яндекс. Найдется все


Largest research portal.  Supports all languages of the countries in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).

Capable of researching image and video files.  Analysizes specifics in morphology, automatically corrects mistakes in search requests.  Capable of doing a search in one's own site catalogue.  Offers countless web services to users such as mail, maps, markets, news, blogs, dictionaries, videos, images, and many others.




Information seach system in the Internet (includes Russian language Internet).  Capable of finding images and news; automatically translates English webpages.  Has countless web services such as search for images, maps, news, translators, mail and others.


Yahoo по русски


Internet information search, including those in Russian.  Parallels searchs for products, images and video films.

українськая пошукова система


Ukrainian search system.  An enumeration of the morphology of Ukrainian and Russian languages.  Individual context for words that are found.  Translation of questions and results in Russian, Ukrainian and English languages.



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