Oles Honchar
Kherson regional
universal scientific library
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Library of Ukraine

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Library of Ukraine


Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine

History, structure, library repositories, specialized collections, publications, catalogues, databases, electronic texts and so on.


National Parliamentary Library of Ukraine

Library is the leading state respository of cultural, educational, and scientific information.  This is a general public access institution with universal collections and services for the people.



Ukrainian State Library for Youth

General information about the library, information about the collections, schedule of services, hours of operation.



Ukrainian National Library For Children

General information about the library, information about the departments; hours of operation, calendar of events; electronic catalogue.


V. Stefanika Ukrainian National Scientific Library of Lviv

The library was structuered on the basis of eighty-four renown and private libraries of Lviv and the entire western region of Ukraine.  The libraries of Schevchenko Scientific Fellowship and Ethnic Home were aggregated into this respository, the collections of which at that time numbered close to 500,000 individual items and selected book collections.


M. Horkoho National Scientific Library of Odessa, Order of the Friendship of Nations

One of the oldest libraries in Ukraine.  Presents general information about the library and its departments.



V. G. Korolenka State Scientific Library of Kharkiv

Second largest, based on size of its collections, and one of the oldest libraries of Ukraine.  Ramified research system - the bibliographic operations of the Kharkiv library contain over 60 catalogues and card files including electronic, bibliographic research collection, automated databases, combined printed catalogues and a collection of active directories.



V. G. Zabolotnoho State Library of Architectural-Construction Studies

The only state library of architecture and construction that fulfills the functions of a branch depository of literature pertaining to construction and architecture.


V. O. Suhomlinskoho State Library of Pedagogical Studies

The site shows the library's organization, catalogue system and card files, and services. Materials about Suhomlinskoho are available.



Ukrainian State Academy of Agricultural and Farm Husbandry Sciences Library 

Center for the history of agricultural studies, catalogue of agricultural libraries in Ukraine, scientific methodology center and much more.



State Scientific Technological Library of Ukraine

All-Ukrainian library of general knowledge about the state; part of the library system of Ukraine and the system of scientific-technical information of the Ukrainian Ministry of Education and  Learning.


Library of National History of Ukraine

Site  provides information on the collections and information search capabilities of the library; services, which the library can provide and news in the field of its cultural educational initiatives.  Access to the electronic catalogue; database for  ethnographic history; outline of electronic resources.


National Library of Medical Sciences

National storage site for published texts, state depository for medical literature of Ukraine; leading institution specializing in library information services for medical professionals.



State Central Scientific Technical Library of Mining and Metallurgical Complex of Ukraine

The library's comprehensive repository contains all aspects and types of literature, including research findings and author testimonials, catalogues on industrial installations and much more.




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