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Patented information, author essays, dissertations

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Patented information, author essays, dissertations



European Patent Office

International database for patents in English, German and French languages. There are several methods available for patent searches:  quick search (with a key words, names or references, persons or organzations), search by date, classification, or number.  Instructions for conducting searches are outlined on the main page.


Intellectual Property Digital Library

The Intellectual Property Library contains not only patent information but industrial processes, trade marks and company attributes and much more.  The site is represented in English and French languages.


United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)

Patent database office of the USA.  Along with a wider search system, it contains a large quantity of additional information about patents. Site is in English.


State Enterprise  "Ukrainian Institute of Industrial Ownership" (UKRPATENT)

The site contains sections on:  Industrial Property Objects;  program instructions for preparing original electronic applications; Ukrainian laws pertaining to industrial property;  standards in the area of Intellectual Propery and much more.


Federal Service on Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks  (ROSPATENT)

The site contains sections on: Property ownership, author's rights, information resources (search system, international classifications, electornic bulletins, open registrations).  In addition, it continually updates news about patents and the database of standardized documents, provides necessary consultations from specialists and other services.  The site is presented in English and Russian languages.



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